Hola a tod@s,
en primer lugar queremos aprovechar la ocasión para agradeceros a todas las personas que entrais en este blog vuestra fidelidad ya que después de un año seguís siendo fieles y pasandoos por aquí. Muchas gracias. Sois el motor que hace que sigamos adelante.
Y en segundo lugar, el motivo de este mensaje no es otro que compartir con tod@s vosotr@s la alegría que nos embarga ya que después de luchar mucho en un concurso (de nuevo, GRACIAS MANADA) tanto Nuri como yo, Pitty, iremos a la fiesta que tendrá lugar este viernes en Madrid a la que acudirá Taylor con motivo del concurso Star Ambassador. Estamos muy emocionadas y muy felices porque como sabeis, llevamos muchísimo tiempo esperando por esta oportunidad de estar cerca de el y si tenemos oportunidad no dudaremos en hacerle conocedor de la existencia de este blog. Ojalá tengamos esa suerte y ojalá el pueda comprobar por sí mismo el gran apoyo que tiene desed hace tanto tiempo en España.
Sin más, nos despedimos.
Volveremos cargadas de fotos y experiencias que os mostraremos y contaremos.
Un saludo.
Pitty y Nuri, integrantes del Staff del Blog Taylor Is Jacob.
Hi everyone,
first of all I want to say thank you to all of those people that day after day, for so many months, continue entering in our site to read us and to know about Taylor. You make us continue with this blog. Thank you.
And following, the reason of this message is no other than share with you the happiness that we have because after a hard competition in a contest made by LG Mobiles at Facebook (again, THANKS PACK!) Nuri and I, Pitty, are going to attend the private party that is going to take place in Madrid this friday because of the contest Star Ambassador. We are very excited and happy because as you kno, we have been waiting this moment for so long. We dream, as all of you, with meet them and now the dream is becoming true. We expect to be near him and maybe have the chance to talk to him to tell him about this blog and the support that he has in our country, Spain, and also arround the world since the beggining of his adventure at the Twilight Saga. We pray to have that chance.
And that's all.
We'll return with so many pictures and so many experiences to tell you.
Thanks for reading.
Pitty and Nuri, Taylor Is Jacob Blog's Staff.