Aquí teneis la rueda de prensa que Taylor, Robert, Kristen han dado en Madrid este mediodía.
Here you are the press conference that Taylor, Robert, Kristen made this midday in Madrid.Además, decir que el evento fan ha terminado y a estas horas los cuatro están descansando en su hotel del tremendo éxito de su aparición en el Palacio de Vistalegre ante cerca de 7000 personas. Han sido muy amables con todos sus fans, muy cercanos y atentos pasandose cerca de 45 minutos firmando autógrafos a todos aquellos que se lo pedían. Taylor fue el que más se paró con sus fans, intercambiando alguna palabra que otra, firmando a todas las personas que le acercaban una hoja y un papel (o incluso su propia piel)...ha sido encantador como siempre y no ha defraudado a nadie.
Además, respondieron a las preguntas que la comunidad Coca-Cola seleccionó.
Desde este blog estamos muy muy orgullosas, una vez más, de Taylor y de su madurez ante un acontecimiento de estas dimensiones. Solo nos queda darle las gracias, una vez más, por ser como es.
And about the fan meeting: it has finished and now the actors may be on their hotel having some relaxing time after this crazy evening at Vistalegre's Palace that was a huge success. They made their appearance facing arround 7000 people and they were so cute with all the spanish fans that were there. All of them were singing autographs for arround 45 minutes to all the persons that asked for it. Taylor was extremely kind to all of his fans and he stoped with all of them exchanging some words in some cases, signing autographs to all of them in a piece of paper or even their own skin...He was as cute as always and he didn't dissapointed anyone.
All of them left the standart very high ^^
They answered some questions that the fans did throught the comutiny of Coca-Cola.
From this blog, as spanish fans, we are so so proud of Taylor and his maturity in an event of this characteristics and magnitude. We want to say thank you once again to Taylor for being as he is.